Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nostalgic Recap

Muraho friends, colleagues, family members, partners, Kagame intelligence-gathering internet trollers, and random stumblers! 

A last view of Rwanda
This is the last and long-awaited installment of the summer 2012 travel blog.  Our band of intrepid adventurers left you last as we were closing out the final days of our time in Kigali.  We ended our last night of the trip over dinner and a heated game of Scattergories with Sean and Jenny…the game ending in a bombastic display of head-to-head word play between Jenny and I (I am pretty confident that Jenny won but am content with this, as she is a professionally trained journalist and I am but a number crunching engineer.)

In project news, our post-assessment trip 522 and post-monitoring trip 531 documents got submitted on time to EWB at approximately 5:31am, after the team had unwisely taken time out of our feverish writing trance for another game of Scattergories.  The documents were reviewed by EWB-USA, and we had a hugely successful conference call with Tiffany Martindale, our EWB-USA project manager a few days after returning to the states.  EWB-USA thought both documents were of superior quality, and we are happy to report that we are officially cleared to move forward with preparing for the implementation phase of the ROP school project.  (This involves a thorough assessment of building options, materials, and monitoring plans due in mid-August which Kyle, Jacob, and Matt are working on already, followed by a preliminary design report and a final design report due in September and October respectively.)  We also have to raise the funds, which Emily, Andrew, Jordan, Andy, and others are already starting to tackle. 

To recap our time and highlight our accomplishments this summer, I would like to use a little something I call a bulleted list of AWESOME PRODUCTIVITY:
  • Forged good relationship with ROP partners and established responsibilities and expectations for our partnership
  •  Completed preliminary land survey of future school site and made cool topographical map
  •  Completed geotechnical survey of future school site
  • Established relationship with Kigali One Stop Center and determined requirements for permitting new building construction
  • Signed community agreements with Sector and Umudugudu leaders ensuring volunteer labor for the school project and community support
  • Formed relationship with Kigali Rotary Club in order to partner in finding funding and support for the school project
  • Gathered information on cost and availability of building materials for more accurate future budget estimates
  • Established contact with EWSA, KIST, and CITT to gather information about energy, water, and sanitation practices, costs, and availability
  • Exceled at Scattergories, fed milk to stray cats, haggled with moto drivers in Kinyarwanda, and otherwise increased personal and cumulative team awesomeness

As the beginning of fall semester closes in, our team has a lot of hard work and a lot of fun bonding times ahead of us.  We are looking forward to a pre-semester team barbeque, two pre-semester document submissions, and a lot of coffee-laden early morning conference calls to Rwanda.  THANK YOU to everyone who enjoyed reading our blog this summer!  We appreciate your support and are excited to share more new project developments with you soon!

Because there were not enough pictures in this blog post, I would like to finish with an illustrated example round of Scattergories.  The selected letter is "C":

1. Things Andrew likes to do
"crouch in a hole"
 2. Cutest animals in Rwanda
3. Something you can purchase at this shop:

 "cell phone cards" or "cheese in a can" are acceptable answers and both give you a score of +2
4. Ways the travel team displays affection
"comical gymnastic feats"

5. Things that float in water
"carafe of air"